There are many ways to give.
Stewardship is the careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one’s care. We often think of stewardship in strictly financial terms, but true stewardship in a Christian community has a human family dimension as well.
We are entrusted to spread God’s Word and love as good stewards for members and the earth, to build faith among the members of our congregation and offer caring for others in the outside world.
We do it because of the joy we feel about knowing of the love of Jesus Christ for us. In return, our thanks, or stewardship, is given with our time, our talents, and our financial gifts.
Ways to Give
- Donate by Mail
Send your pledge to:
North Community Church
PO Box 2
Marshfield Hills, MA 02051
- Volunteer
There are abundant opportunities to serve God, the Church, and the community. Learn about volunteer opportunities→
- Offering
Give during Sunday Worship via the offering plate.
Annual Pledging
A pledge is your personal commitment to make a financial gift that supports the ministries and mission of the church for the coming year. We believe annual pledging is a statement of thanksgiving and part of a spiritual practice of generosity. By pledging, you rededicate your love and support for North Community Church’s mission and all the people who are touched by its ministries and make our community special, including yourself!
Yes and statements are provided periodically or upon request for tax purposes.
Our community members give for a variety of reasons. Some give because they love our church’s hospitality; others cherish opportunities for spiritual growth, service and care for the world such as mission trips, prayer shawl ministry, or its role as a welcoming presence in the community.
As a congregation, we view pledging as an important spiritual practice, encouraging us to grow intentionally in faith and generosity in every part of our lives. It is because of annual pledging and other generous support from our parishioners, that our church lives up to its mission.
Rest assured, you are not the only person who wonders if there is a “right amount” to give. At North Community Church, every pledge, no matter the size of your gift, is valued! It also helps the church to know your giving plans so we can budget more effectively.
We invite you to prayerfully reflect on the money and resources God has entrusted to your care and decide on how much you feel you can give. Members of the Finance and Development Team, as well as the Pastor are also available to help you reflect on this question. We believe that our standard of giving should reflect our standard of living. We ask each parishioner to consider making a pledge that is both responsible and significant based on his or her financial situation.
Tithing, the practice of sharing 10% of your income, has long been held as the standard of Christian giving. For most, it is a goal to be reached through incremental increases each year. At NCC every pledge, no matter what amount, makes a valued contribution to our mission and ministry.
If you consider tithing or proportional giving, the following chart may help:
We believe in celebrating generosity as a community. North Community Church holds an annual stewardship campaign, in which we share the importance of North Community Church in our lives and that of the community. Pledges are gathered and that information provided the Financial and Development Team’s budget planning.
Your pledge is a promise to your church and the congregation. However, it is not legally binding. If your circumstances change, you may notify the church office or the Pastor if you need to make an adjustment.
If you are blessed with unexpected extra income, you are always welcome to increase your pledge.