Welcome to North Community Church

Our Doors are Open to All

When you visit North Community Church, you will be greeted just inside the front doors and shown the way into the sanctuary where our Sunday morning services are held.

Once in the sanctuary, you will be given an “order of worship” bulletin that will outline the day’s service. In addition one of our greeters will offer to answer any questions you may have about the church or the denomination with which it is affiliated – the United Church of Christ.

Our Sunday Worship, which generally lasts about an hour, begins with the pastor welcoming everyone who is in attendance along with some general announcements. Planning your first visit to North Community Church? Learn more about what to expect

Statement of Purpose and Covenant

We unite as a community of ecumenical Christians, seeking to grow in the love of God and in the love of our neighbors as ourselves. We are conscious of our responsibility to serve God’s creation by sharing our spiritual and material resources locally and worldwide. Respecting freedom of religious belief, we covenant to achieve these purposes by worshiping God, following Jesus Christ, and fostering compassion, justice and peace.

We welcome all, excluding none, to join us in this covenant.

We are an open and affirming congregation.

On Sunday, February 25, 2018, at our bi-annual meeting, the Open and Affirming Welcoming Statement was approved unanimously by the congregation. The Welcoming Statement does not replace our beloved purpose covenant written in the 1990’s and read monthly before communion; It stands unedited.

The welcoming statement is a public statement for those outside our congregation, leaving no doubt that we welcome people of any gender identity, gender expression and sexual orientation.

Open & Affirming Welcoming Statement

North Community is an Open and Affirming congregation. With God’s grace, we welcome people of any gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, age, race, ethnicity, faith background, physical and mental ability, marital, political, and socioeconomic status. We invite all to join us in worship, friendship, and leadership. Whoever you are and wherever you are on life’s spiritual journey, you are welcome here.

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Video by Grace DeOrsay 2023

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