A new Capital Campaign team is gearing up to restore Friendship Hall on Old Main
This includes funding simple improvements like painting and replacing rotten bulkheads to more involved endeavors such as repairing the upper trim to protect the building from pests and weather.
This team will be charged with “getting the word out” to the congregation as well as the community and thinking outside the box to creatively raise funds over a 2 – 3 year period to support priority projects identified by the Building and Property and Finance & Development Teams. We are looking to form the team in June so that we can kickoff our capital campaign activities in September.
Please contact me, or Stephen Halko-Sheehan, if you have any questions, wish to join the the team or be part of an auxiliary group of extra hands needed to support fundraising activities.
Thank you in advance for your support! It takes a village 🙂
Jean Skidmore